
Transport and terminal service prices from 1 October 2022 onwards

The business environment in the transport sector is constantly changing. The exceptional situation in Europe, climate change, inflation and changes in fuel and energy prices have a significant impact on the cost structure of the transport sector.

Staff costs, the increasing shortage of drivers and competition for skilled drivers are reflected in costs. It is anticipated that the decision over wages in 2023 will be difficult, and we will assess the impact of this decision on cost structures during spring 2023.

We carry out continuous and systematic development work to improve the quality of our services and customer satisfaction. In accordance with our sustainability goals, we invest in new environmentally friendly technologies regarding both our fleet and our properties.

In order to ensure our service capability and further development of our operations, we will increase our transport and service prices by 6.9% as of 1 October 2022.

Looking forward to our continued co-operation!

Petri Angervuori
Suomen Kaukokiito Oy