Kaukoputki is Kaukokiito’s free and easy-to-use online service that allows you to make transport orders, track arrivals and departures, check schedules, calculate the cost of transport and manage your company’s customer information. Register as a Kaukoputki user and you can use Kaukoputki in even more versatile ways than before!

Kaukoputki is an easy and quick way to make transport orders when you ship less than ten shipments on a daily basis. By ordering through Kaukoputki, you can ensure that your transport order arrives in the correct form.

Before making a transport order, you must register as a Kaukoputki user. Our customer service will check all the information you have provided during the registration, so the username will be activated within 24 hours or on the next business day after registration.

Registration is worthwhile

As a registered user, you will have access to the versatile features of Kaukoputki:

  • transport ordering
  • tracking of multiple shipments in one view
  • address book
  • timetable search
  • customer relationship management
  • the pricing calculator.

Corporate customer or recipient customer?

When registering, you will be asked to choose between two options: registering as a corporate customer or as a recipient customer. Select the corporate customer if your business is both sending and receiving shipments. If you are the recipient of the shipment and you only need recipient tracking, select the recipient customer.


Register with Kaukoputki