Data Privacy Policy

At Kaukokiito, we respect your privacy and your right to your data. That is why lawful and secure processing of personal data and high level of data privacy are prerequisites for all our operations.

Our data privacy policy introduces how we aim at securing the transparency of data privacy and related areas for our customers and other stakeholders. Kaukokiito management and personnel are committed to complying with the principles of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when processing personal data.

Acquisition and retention of data

We receive most of the personal data we use directly from our customers, partners, authorities and other stakeholders. In addition, we use existing customer data and open business data found online.

We store and use your personal data for as long as is necessary for their purpose of use. Legislation and decrees set certain regulations on the retention and use of personal data, which affects the retentions periods of the data.

Data processing and processors

We process your personal data to enable our business and fulfilling our contractual obligations, their maintenance and development, maintaining customer relationships and communications related to our operations. We ensure the confidentiality and appropriate processing of your personal data, and we produce our services with confidentiality.

In system acquisitions, development and maintenance, we always take into account data privacy and the requirements of data protection, and they will never be compromised. Your personal data may be transferred to locations outside of Finland if required by the service production or other grounds for processing data. In these cases, data privacy is ensured in accordance with the data privacy regulations and other decrees. Your personal data may also be disclosed to our partners if it is necessary for service production. For our part, we have ensured that our partners comply with the principles in accordance with the legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation in processing personal data.

Everyone at Kaukokiito processing your personal data has received data privacy and data protection training and, with their actions, they are committed to ensuring the processing and protection of personal data in accordance with Kaukokiito’s internal instructions and legislation. Our employees can only access personal data necessary for their work performance. Data privacy is also taken into account in the orientation of new employees.

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who is the stakeholder contact person in matters related to Kaukokiito’s data privacy.

Transparency to data subjects

Our stakeholders trust their personal data with us, and we want to be worthy of that trust. Transparency to data subjects is an essential part of trust.

We have created file descriptions of our person registers in accordance with the legislation and the GDPR. The documents pertaining to customers are available on our website. As a data subject, you have the right to access, rectify or erase data about yourself from the registers and present any other requests about data subject’s rights by contacting our Data Protection Officer in writing. We will process the requests as soon as possible.

You have all the rights mentioned in the Finnish legislation and the GDPR regarding the processing of your personal data at Kaukokiito. You have the right to have your personal data erased from our registers in the following cases, among others:

  • your personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which they were collected or for which they were otherwise processed or
  • you revoke the consent on which the processing is based on and there is no other lawful reason for processing your personal data.

You have the right to revoke your consent for processing your personal data at any time. Revoking the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing taking place before the revoking of the consent but it may prevent the use of our services. You also have the right to restrict the use of your personal data.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority, start legal proceedings or criminal investigation if you see that applicable data privacy legislation has been breached in processing your personal data.

Procedure in case of compromised data privacy

If we suspect or observe that your data privacy has been compromised, we will investigate the matter immediately and intervene. The affected parties are notified personally if it is required in order to exert corrective measures or to limit damages. We also carry out notifications of observed data privacy issues to authorities as required by the GDPR.

Updating data privacy principles

We observe and update our data privacy policy regularly as part of the development of business operations, and we take into account any possible changes in the legislation and instructions issued by the authorities. Risks and preparing for them are also reviewed as part of the process. We also notify our personnel processing personal data of any changes and train them when necessary.

Data privacy documents and their availability

Any changes in the data privacy police are notified on our website where you can find the latest version of this document. Our website also includes the file descriptions of our up-to-date customer and marketing registers and the terms and conditions and privacy statement of our website.

Contact details

Suomen Kaukokiito Oy
Teollisuustie 7, 33330 Tampere