Kaukokiito Groupage
Send small or large scheduled domestic shipments
Kaukokiito Groupage is the right option for your company whether your are sending a small shipment or several pallets at a time. This service is also suitable for sending long and difficult products and products that require special handling and for transport of dangerous goods on roads (VAK).
Kaukokiito Groupage includes a pickup from the sender and a delivery to the recipient usually on the business day after the pickup day or according to your delivery schedule. You can order the Kaukokiito Groupage via Kaukoputki or other electronic order portals. You can track the progress of your shipment in real time from the pickup moment all the way to the delivery moment.
max. 3,000 kg, per individual parcel max. 1,200 kg
max. 1.8 m x 2.4 m x 2.2 m (L x W x H)
max. 9 m³
Order on the pickup day by 1 p.m.
Groupage weighs maximum of 3,000 kg, and the total volume maximum of 9 m³. The maximum weight of an individual parcel is 1,200 kg, and the maximum dimensions of the parcel are 1.8 m x 2.4 m x 2.2 m (length x width x height). The shipment goes normally through a terminal both in the departure and destination points. Read more about freighting the shipment.
Each parcel should be packaged safely and they must be suitable for processing by machine. If the shipment includes several parcels, they must be packed on a pallet or on another approved transport carrier.
The Kaukokiito Groupage service can easily be ordered via Kaukoputki or via other electronic order portals. The electronic transport order must be made on the pickup day by 1:00 p.m.
The price of the shipment is formed during the ordering process and it is based on the transported distance and on the shipment’s freighting weight. Fee-based additional services can be ordered for the Groupage. Please note that the carrier reserves the right to correct the freighting weight.
An electronic groupage order made before 1:00 p.m. is mostly picked up on the same day by 4:00 p.m. Other orders or an electronic order made after 1:00 p.m. are picked up during the next business day.
The shipment will usually be delivered on the next business day following the order to the address marked in the parcel label or waybill. The shipment is unloaded to the immediate vicinity of the vehicle using a tail lift and a pump cart or it is unloaded by the recipient using his/her own unloading equipment. The shipment may be unloaded as an additional service with, for example, a crane.
Read more about location-specific pick up and delivery exceptions.
Temperature-controlled transportations
Transportation in heated load space: the temperature of the load space is kept above 0 Celsius. An additional charge of 15% applies to heated load space transportation from 1 October to 30 April. For refrigerated and deep-freeze transportation, please contact us.
Transportation of dangerous goods (VAK)
We charge 20% extra for the transportation of hazardous substances. Only Class 1.4S of Explosives (LK1) is transported, other Class 1 substances only as separate shipments, ordered by telephone and at prices agreed on a case-by-case basis. The delivery times of separate shipments may deviate from the normal delivery times. Class 7 (radioactive substances) cannot be transported. The sender is responsible for ensuring that the substance or article submitted for transport as well as its packaging and markings comply with the decree and the regulations pursuant to the decree and for ensuring that the name of the goods is correctly entered in the waybill and electronic order message. For correcting transport of dangerous goods markings on behalf of the sender, we charge €10.50 per corrected information.
A call fee of €4.90 applies when we have to check the delivery time, delivery address, etc., for the customer (e.g. an entry made when ordering). The delivery is made, at the latest, on the following delivery date from the notification, unless agreed otherwise. A text message fee of €4.90 applies when we provide shipment or delivery information on the customer's request before or after the delivery.
Receipt or reception in the terminal
To cover terminal expenses, we charge €4.90 per tonne per shipment for shipments which the customer takes to or collects from the terminal. The minimum charge is €4.90 per shipment. Possible additional call or advising fee will be charged. If a forklift service is necessary for loading or unloading, an additional €15,00 / starting 15 minutes applies.
Crane service
Pickups and deliveries made using the crane equipment are charged at €49.80 per starting half an hour, minimum charge one hour. Separate agreement is required in areas outside the immediate vicinity of a terminal. The fee is added to other normal charges. If delivering the shipment is not possible without crane equipment, the payer of freight is liable to pay for it even if they had not ordered the additional service.
Additional work related to unloading and pickups
For single-person loading and unloading operations done inside, outside, or to a different floor, the fee is €49.00/half-hour period or part thereof. For deliveries in the evening or outside working hours, we charge an additional fee of €49.00 per every half-hour period or part thereof. For singleperson loading and unloading operations done inside, outside, or to a different floor, the maximum number of parcels per shipment is 20, the maximum weight per parcel is 35 kg and the actual weight of the shipment is a maximum of 450 kg and the freight weight 1000 kg. In addition, the longest side of a single parcel must not exceed 2.4 m, the volume 0.3 m3 and the length + circumference of the parcel must not exceed 3.3 m.
If an extra man is required for carrying, the fee is €76.70/half-hour period or part thereof (fs). The price includes the vehicle, driver and extra man, and it is calculated from the duration of the entire driving and carrying output. In this case, the maximum number of parcels per shipment is 20, the maximum weight per parcel is 70 kg and the actual weight of the shipment is a maximum of 1000 kg and the freight weight is 2500 kg. In addition, the longest side of a single parcel must not exceed 4.0 m, the volume 0.6 m3 and the length + circumference of one parcel must not exceed 4.9 m. Kaukokiito will agree on the time of delivery separately with the receiving customer and the service is only valid for specified postal code areas.
The unloading inside carried out by one and two persons is also subject to the following additional conditions: The shipment is carried over the threshold at the ground level. If the shipment is taken to another floor, an elevator must be available and the parcels must fit in the elevator. Carrying is done to one defined place, such as a floor or a room. The service does not include carrying to the floors inside the dwelling, or the delivery of parcels to several rooms, apartments or other premises. The protection of the premises is the responsibility of the recipient and the access route must be unobstructed.
Scheduled deliveries and pickups or delayed deliveries
An additional delivery fee of €51.70 will be charged when the shipment contains a request for a delivery or pickup deviating from the valid schedule book or a request for a delivery or pickup by a specified time or a delivery is requested as a delivery that is delayed from the normal delivery schedule. Precise delivery or pickup at a specified time must always be agreed separately, since a marking in the waybill or in the order is not sufficient.
Deliveries to and pickups from a private address
We charge the following surcharges for the deliveries to or pickups form a private address
up to 49 kg €9.70
50–499 kg €28.80
500–999 kg €37.80
1000–2999 kg €56.70
3000– kg €18.90 per tonne
The surcharge does not include other possible service fees, such as a call fee, clearing-up fee, tail lift unloading fee, carrying up stairs or into apartment, extra man, etc. Delivery during normal working hours. The delivery is made, at the latest, on the following delivery date from the notification, unless agreed otherwise.
Fuel surcharge
A fuel surcharge in force at any given time is added to the prices.
An additional service that is not ordered, but is necessary for carrying out the assignment, is charged according to the price list.